Announcing YouPay
Our goal is to communicate the launch with a strong universal message that resonates with your customers. YouPay can assist with creative for email newsletters, website banners, social media posts and more.
Launching with comms across eDM, social and onsite content is an easy way to organically spread the word and familiarise your customers with YouPay.
YouPay Landing pages
YouPay can create, supply and potentially even implement a ‘How YouPay Works’ landing page that your customers can easily digest and access. YouPay is a totally new way to pay, which means static resources like this are key to educating your customers.
YouPay can add customised copy, images and iconography to give the page a connection to your brand and product range.
Customer engagement
YouPay’s rich sharing functionality makes it a powerful tool for connecting your most loyal customers through ecommerce (as opposed to outbound content marketing).
Shoppers can share their carts, view other’s and even pay for a stranger’s cart thanks to YouPay. YouPay can generate ongoing engagement in places where your brand advocates can gather, such as social media platforms (Facebook Groups, for example).
Activate campaigns
Cart giveaways are easy to administer and have social engagement and sales benefits.
They educate your customers about how YouPay works and gives them incentive to use YouPay.
Plus, every YouPay link created from a promotion has remarketing potential, which means conversion potential.
Did you know? From your YouPay Dashboard, you can view all shoppers, their links and payers, which makes cart giveaways quick and clean to run.